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Mikayla Ranspot
Earth and Planetary Sciences

Mentor: Seth Newsome, PhD

Project: Using carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of baleen to examine nutritional stress in gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in the northeast Pacific Ocean.

About Mikayla Ranspot

The goal of this study is to validate an isotope-based method to determine if this mortality event was caused by nutritional stress. Gray whales in the northeast Pacific exhibited an unusual mortality event in 2019-2022 that resulted in the death of at least 502 individuals. Through this project, we will measure carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) isotope values of baleen, a metabolically inert tissue that can be subsampled to provide a multi-year eco-physiological record at the individual level. This approach will enable us to identify periods of metabolic homeostasis versus nutritional stress during the ~1-2 years of their life prior to death.