Cantergiani, Morowski win top awards at UROC 2022

June 6, 2022

uroc.jpgUniversity of New Mexico undergraduate students work closely with faculty mentors to conduct innovative and exciting research.  Each spring, this research is celebrated at the annual Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC). UROC is a professional research conference reserved solely for undergraduates to spotlight their research, explain their ideas, and display what they have to offer in their respective fields and majors. Students are the experts at UROC. At UROC 2022, UNM hosted two exciting competitions.

UROC 180
The UROC 180 Competition, like an elevator pitch, challenges students to present their research in just 180 seconds to the general audience with no background in your research area. The top 3 winners receive scholarships ($500 1st prize, $300 2nd prize, & $200 3rd prize).  During the conference, UROC 180 presenters are assigned to one of two heats. The judges then select the top presenters from each heat to compete at the UROC 180 FINAL. UROC 180 presentations must be made in 3 minutes or less. Students do use PowerPoint, video, or other media.

UROC Research Story
The UROC Research Story competition encourages students to communicate the story behind their research projects to the general public. Students describe the context of their research and show their journeys surrounding their projects.  Research stories can be presented through any online format, such as videos, essays, or podcasts. This competition was judged by communications professionals, with the winning story receiving $250 cash prizes. Eleven students participated in the 2022 Research Story competition.

Read more at UNM Newsroom.