UNM researcher fights unfair school discipline for Native American students

February 6, 2023 - Savannah Peat

as-natv.jpgThe future of the educational landscape for children of the Navajo Nation could be largely improved thanks to the fervor and dedication of one UNM Native American Studies professor and her mother, Dr. Delores Greyeyes. It’s an effort that researcher Wendy Greyeyes says is long overdue within the classroom. 

“This was a much more grounded issue that goes very deep in the history of education for American Indians,” Greyeyes said. 

Recent research and feature publications of Greyeyes dives into the treatment of Native children in schools. The facts and figures are alarming. Gallup-McKinley County schools, which enrolls the largest number of Native students in the U.S., also has the highest total frequency of student discipline in the state since 2016. New Mexico In Depth reported the county also accounted for the 90% of Native student expulsions–211– in that same time frame.

Read more at UNM Newsroom.