Research course open to students who want to study with Black communities

February 4, 2023 - Mary Beth King

b-research101.jpgApplications for a cohort-based program will open in the Fall 2023 semester at The University of New Mexico for students interested in researching with Black communities.

Black Research 101 was developed by Celine Ayala, a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology, in her position as project assistant in African American Student Services (AASS). Ayala, whose own research focuses on race, ethnicity, diasporic Blackness and intersectional discourse, was given the opportunity at AASS to create programming focusing on undergraduate research for the students who use AASS, as well as undergraduate students campus-wide.

“I loved the idea of a cohort-based program but I wanted to do something more culturally relevant for the students we serve, as well as students who may be interested in researching Black communities. So, I started brainstorming with the African American Student Services staff and came up with Black Research 101 for students interested in researching Black communities̶ specifically using Black and Africana feminist methods,” she said.

Read more at UNM Newsroom.