A new chemical reaction: UNM, NSF, STEM and $1.95 million

April 11, 2023 - Savannah Peat

as-eps.jpgIt’s an old equation with a new solution. Now, new funding, plus a new UNM team is going to equal more STEM educators in New Mexico. 

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has just awarded a UNM cross-campus collaboration a $1.49 million grant. That money, plus $447,000 in matching funds from the Technology Enhancement fund of New Mexico, will fund the new “Teachers Organizing Diverse Opportunities Across a STEM Ecosystem,” (TODOS) project.  

For the next five years, an interdisciplinary group of faculty researchers will recruit and develop K-12 science teachers as leaders. They will experience enhanced networking with the STEM ecosystem, while supporting equity and inclusive teaching and learning in New Mexico schools.

Read more at UNM Newsroom.