2023 Inspiring Graduate | Abrianna Morales

May 2, 2023 - Savannah Peat

aubs.jpgIf you ask UNM senior Abrianna Morales for a moment of her time, she’ll give it to you. You may be both shocked and amazed, however, when you see how much each day is booked up–and that she’s still finding time to do more– but it wasn’t always this way.

“The person that I was at 17 when I got to campus is unrecognizable to me. I'm so, so glad that I've changed and grown in all the ways that I have,” Morales said.

Morales is nothing short of a rockstar student, advocate and person. This spring, she is graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Criminology, with a minor in math. Her passion for each of these topics and what they can help solve began in Las Cruces, her hometown, when she was only 15.

Read more at UNM Newsroom.