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Valeria Cortes-Mora
Geography & Environmental Studies

Mentor: Liping Yang, Ph.D.

Project: Spatial-temporal analysis for rainforests driven by big earth observation data: An ArcGIS story map of the Amazon area in Colombia

About Valeria Cortes-Mora

I am a Geography and Environmental Studies undergraduate student at the University of New Mexico. My research interests are in natural resource management and GIScience, so I am honored to work with Dr. Yang on this project and improve my research skills. The primary research question is whether big earth observation data, combined with geovisualization and geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI), can help us understand and analyze the spatial-temporal evolution of deforestation in Colombia's Amazon rainforest. I'm excited to collaborate with Dr. Yang and receive support from the ASSURE program because it will broaden my understanding of how, as a geographer, I can solve real-world problems and use GIS tools to advance natural resource preservation.