Experience the annular eclipse with astronomers at The University of New Mexico's Enchanted Eclipse viewing party

September 12, 2023

as-paThe University of New Mexico (UNM) invites the community to witness a remarkable celestial event as an annular eclipse will grace Albuquerque’s sky on Saturday, Oct. 14. The UNM Department of Physics & Astronomy, along with faculty, students, and staff, will host the event on UNM’s Johnson Field beginning at 8:30 a.m.

The event will provide spectators an opportunity to experience the wonder of this rare phenomenon with the expertise and guidance of UNM astronomers. Albuquerque is in the direct path to view the annular eclipse and is a prime location for an awe-inspiring display for all to see. Other parts of the southwest will only see a partial solar eclipse.

The Annular Eclipse, which begins at 9:13 a.m. when the moon begins to block the sun, is a mesmerizing occurrence where the Moon aligns perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, leaving only a brilliant ring of light around the edge of the Sun visible, creating a remarkable “ring of fire” effect, which will occur at 10:36 a.m.

“We’re providing a unique eclipse experience. UNM’s astronomers will be on hand and there will be some great activities, informative talks, food trucks and more,” said Department of Physics & Astronomy Chair Richard Rand.

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