New Human Biology undergrad concentration offered by Anthropology department

November 13, 2023 - Mary Beth King

as-bio.jpgWhat makes us “human?” Students can explore the human species' evolutionary history, genetics, anatomy, physiology, development, and behavior while setting a career course in the new Human Biology Undergraduate Concentration offered through the Anthropology Department at The University of New Mexico.

“The new B.S. Human Biology degree is a dynamic, multidisciplinary program that provides students with an introduction to biological, behavioral, and health sciences,” explained Sherry Nelson, associate professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, associate chair of Anthropology, and convener of the Evolutionary Anthropology subfield − the faculty of Human Biology program.

“It is essentially an organismal biology program that focuses on humans. Through a combination of coursework in Anthropology, Biology, Psychology, Population Health, and Chemistry, students gain skillsets that prepare them for future careers in STEM, including medical tracks and allied health fields,” Nelson said.

Students will take two introductory courses in biological anthropology, followed by four required courses from the following fields: human evolution, anatomy, genetics, and behavior. Electives further explore these four fields. The Human Biology major requires a minor in Biology, Psychology, Population Health, Chemistry, or a distributed minor across these departments. The flexibility of the minor requirements allows students to tailor the program to fit their individual interests and needs.

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