2023 Inspiring Graduate | Melissa DeRaad

December 8, 2023 - Mary Beth King

as-ccbMelissa DeRaad sparkles with enthusiasm when she talks about her undergraduate experience, professors and mentors, her plans for a Ph.D. degree, and her upcoming graduation. DeRaad will walk across the stage in December to receive her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from The University of New Mexico.

DeRaad didn’t take the road to a university degree straight from high school. Born in Anaheim, Calif., she grew up as the child of blue-collar parents who lacked college degrees.

“My parents believed in the value of hard work and practical skills but didn’t feel that a college degree was absolutely necessary to truly unlock one's potential.”

After completing high school, DeRaad found herself torn between a career in computer engineering and scientific research. She chose computer engineering, attended a technical school where she excelled and started a career but over time, she found something lacking.

“Computer engineering taught me how to think critically, lead groups, mentor, and work to a deadline. Although my early years in this field allowed me to gain valuable technical and personal skills, I soon realized that the absence of intellectually stimulating challenges hindered my personal and professional growth. In time, my desire for deeper engagement and more profound problem-solving brought about the recognition that my thirst for knowledge and my innate curiosity were better suited for a scientific journey, leading me to pursue a second career as a scientist.”

Once the decision was made to find a new path, DeRaad looked at her options, which included Massachusetts and California but finally decided to head to New Mexico.

Read more in the UNM Newsroom