UNM School of Public Administration professor awarded prestigious fellowship

February 13, 2024

as-spaUNM’s School of Public Administration is gaining more notoriety for its programs and faculty members.

Assistant Professor Michelle Allgood was recently named an American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) Founders’ Fellow.

“I’m excited for the opportunity to learn more and to represent UNM’s commitment to public service. My favorite part of public service is the opportunity to combine scholarship with action and make a noticeable impact on our communities,” Allgood said. “Being able to be a part of something bigger than yourself is something I think we all innately desire and I love the opportunity to put my skills to use and partner with those who are spearheading important changes to build healthier and stronger communities.”

Headed into its 18th year, ASPA's Founders' Fellows program supports the next generation of public service leaders through a series of professional development opportunities. The Fellows attend and present at the Annual Conference on a subject matter paper on an issue related to their scholarship or work. This is ASPA's most competitive Fellowship program.

Allgood said her inspiration for public service came from her time as a missionary in Oklahoma City, Okla. 

“The idea that I could learn management and leadership skills to better serve the community was appealing,” she said. “I leveraged that interest into a career focused on education access and equity and eventually, through some really supportive advisors in my doctoral program, into public leadership and management. Being here at UNM, I see the same passion that started this whole journey back in Oklahoma and I am excited to be a part of it.”

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