Students tackle linguistic bias in Lobo Language Acquisition Lab

February 26, 2024 - Mary Beth King

as-lingTwo undergraduates in the Lobo Language Acquisition Lab at The University of New Mexico are studying linguistic bias and its impact on society. They are also working to raise teachers’ awareness of it in the classroom.

The LLA Lab teacher outreach team is currently comprised of one graduate student and two undergraduate students, with a third undergraduate student intermittently involved, explained Professor of Linguistics Naomi Shin, who co-directs the Lab along with Assistant Professor of Linguistics Melvatha Chee and Professor of Linguistics Jill Morford.

What is ‘linguistic bias’?
“Linguistic bias is when we judge people based on the way they talk,” Shin explained. “There are many ways this affects people.” Shin cited the research of linguist John Baugh, who found ads advertising apartments for rent and then called to inquire, using different accents such as African-American, Chicano, or a so-called “standard” American English accent. Baugh was told that the apartment was no longer for rent more often when he used his African American accent or a Chicano accent.

Read more in the UNM Newsroom