The Department of History celebrates Women’s History Month with lectures by distinguished scholars of Women’s and Gender History

February 26, 2024

as-histThe Department of History, with sponsorships and support from the Center for the Southwest, the Feminist Research Institute, the Institute of American Indian Research, the Institute of Medieval Studies, the Latin American and Iberian Institute, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and the Frank D. and Marie K. Gorham Endowment in Ancient History, presents three lectures for Women’s History Month. 

On Thursday, February 29 from 6:00-7:30 in the Science and Mathematics Learning Center, Room 102, Dr. Scott G. Bruce, Professor of History, Fordham University will present, “The Legacies of Cleopatra VII in the Middle Ages.”   

bruceDr. Bruce is a historian of religion and culture in the early and central Middle Ages (c. 400-1200 CE).  He has published several books about the abbe.y of Cluny, most recently (with Steven Vanderputten), A Companion to the Abbey of Cluny in the Middle Ages (Brill, 2021).  He has also edited three historical anthologies for Penguin Classics, most recently, The Penguin Book of Dragons (Penguin Books, 2021).  His current book project is “The Lost Patriarchs: A Survey of the Greek Fathers in the Medieval Latin Tradition,” for which he was awarded a 2020/2021 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship.  

On Wednesday, March 6 from 3:00-4:30 pm in the Mesa Vista 1104, Dr. Inés Pérez will be presenting,via Zoom,“Theft, Consumption, And Gender in Domestic Service (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1950–1980). In her remote lecture for the Department of History’s celebration of Women’s History Month, Dr. Pérez will use court records on "servant theft" to examine popular notions of social equality and justice, as well as gender and consumption, in Peronist Argentina. 

We invite the audience to join us in person at the Zoom lecture. Following the lecture and in person, graduate students from History and Latin American Studies will offer comments for discussion with Dr. Pérez.  Refreshments will be provided.  

Dr. Inés Pérez, researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research)

Dr. Inés Pérez is a researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research) and teaches at the Sociology Department of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Her research focuses on the history of paid and unpaid domestic work, family life and consumption. She is the author of El hogar tecnificado. Familias, género y vida cotidiana, 1940-1970 (2012). She has also co-authored Senderos que se bifurcan. Servicio doméstico y derechos laborales en la Argentina del siglo XX (2018), with Romina Cutuli and Débora Garazi, and, with Marinês Ribeiro Dos Santos, she co-edited Gênero e consumo: reprentaçoes midiáticas de práticas de consumo no espaço doméstico, Argentina e Brasil no século XX (2017).  

Zoom link: 

On Tuesday, March 19 from 2:30-4pm in the Frank Waters Room, Zimmerman Library 

Dr. Alejandra Dubcovsky, Professor of History at UC Riverside will present "There were so many Bossy Women!" Native Voices and Stories from the Early South.”  Reception to Follow 

Dr. Alejandra Dubcovsky, Professor of History at UC Riverside

Dr. Dubcovsky researches the histories of Early America, Native America, Spanish Borderlands, and the American South. Her first book, Informed Power: Communication in the Early American South (HUP 2016), won the 2016 Michael V. R. Thomason Book Award from the Gulf South Historical Association. Her second book, Talking Back: Native Women and the Making of the Early South was published by Yale Press in 2023. 

 In 2018, she was awarded a Mellon Advancing Intercultural Studies Grant and a UC Riverside-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Faculty Exchange Grant. In 2021, she received the New Directions Mellon Fellowship ($231,000), to work with archival materials, linguists, and Native communities to learn the Timucua language. Her Timucua language work can also be found in a digital, public-facing website created for and with the help of Timucua descendants and in consultation with ancestrally connected Native nations as well as a team of linguists and interested scholars: 

These lectures were coordinated by the Department of History’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality section whose faculty are among some the most accomplished scholars in the field. For more information about UNM faculty and their expertise see: